Goat-cheese truffles

Do you like chocolate? Do you like goat cheese?? If so, you'll love these truffles.

I got the recipe from this site (scroll down for the English) and had been wanting to try them FOREVER. I'm glad I finally got around to it because they were a HUGE hit in lab.

The recipe makes two different kinds of truffles: one in which the goat cheese mixture is COATED with chocolate and one in which the goat cheese mixture is COMBINED with chocolate. I suggest the first time you try both and see which you like better.

Here's my opinion: They were both good, but the second kind (chocolate mixed in) didn't taste THAT different from a regular truffle (and I didn't feel it was worth the extra effort since regular truffles are so simple to prepare). The first kind (chocolate coated) are AMAZING! They kinda taste like a chocolate dipped cheesecake ball- freaking delicious! When I took them to lab only one person didn't really like them, but I don't think he's a goat cheese fan.

The first time though I had to try both ways. In front is the chocolate dipped version, in back is the chocolate combined version rolled in crushed almonds.

I like to put a little swirley in the chocolate dipped kind to make them cuter

Want them even cuter than that?? Decorate with some melted chocolate (I just used "chocolate" wafers, melted in a plastic bag with a tiny hole cut in the corner to pipe out decorations).

Playing around with decorations. (The chocolate face looks a little dazed...)

They don't look perfect, but they sure did impress!

Goat Cheese Truffles
based on a recipe from cloudberryquark, which is based on a recipe from Gourmet (Oct. 1993)

Note: This is triple the size of the original recipe, which makes a healthy amount for a party or gathering. You may (or may notā€¦) want to cut this down if youā€™re making it for yourself.

8 oz soft goat cheese
8 oz mascarpone
5 oz butter (softened)
6 tbsp icing sugar
3/4 tsp vanilla
8 oz + 10+ oz dark chocolate*
pistachios or nuts for decoration

Blend together the cheeses in a small bowl. Add sugar and vanilla and blend until smooth. Cream the butter and add to the cheese mixture.

For the combined truffles
Chop or grate 8 oz of the chocolate and melt either in a water bath or microwave (in 20-30 second increments, making sure to stir the chocolate and not allow it to burn). Take about a third of the cheese mixture and fold into the chocolate. Allow this to rest in the fridge for about an hour, then form into small balls (this will be super messy). Roll the chocolate truffles in chopped pistachio, or your topping of choice, and put back in the fridge.

For the dipped truffles
Take the remaining cheese mixture and chill for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Form into small/medium sized balls- being careful to handle the mixture as quickly as possible (as the heat in your hands will start to melt the mixture). Place in the freezer for at least 15 minutes to harden up the balls. Melt the rest of the chocolate (10 oz) as stated above. Dip each ball in the chocolate to coat completely and transfer to a parchment paper lined plate. Allow to dry in the fridge.

Enjoy! (And remember to store these truffles in the refrigerator as they have cheese.)

*Make sure to use a good quality chocolate for this recipe. If you want a good quality but affordable option, I like to use the Trader Joes pound plus chocolate (~ $4 for 17 oz). In my opinion the 72% dark was a bit too bitter (since the cheese is not very sweet and super mild); I much preferred the regular dark chocolate. But use whatever you like!



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