Southpaw cake

Well helllloooooo there! I've been a bit MIA these days, as work and life has pulled me out of blogging land for a while. The good news is that I've had a chance to explore both New York and New Orleans in recent weeks. (This coming from the woman that barely travels! Photos to come "soon" hopefully.) The bad news is I'm behind, yet again, on the blog. Ahhhhh well. But as always, I forge ahead and try to catch up as best I can.

Today I share with you a cake I made a few months ago, for my cousin's daughter Olivia. You might remember the cake I made for her 1st birthday, which was a super cute pink quilt and bow cake. But now, of course, Olivia is TWO--which means increased understanding and a growing personality. So naturally, a regular old cutesy cake just wouldn't suffice.

Nope, this year, Olivia has a new interest (which may be ever-so-slightly fueled by her father's passionate love of the White Sox): Southpaw!

The cake, with some cupcakes made for good measure

Yea, don't worry, I had no idea who Southpaw was either, and I LIVE in Chicago. Apparently it's the White Sox mascot- a mix (to me) between a furry monster and an alligator. What kid DOESN'T like that combo?!
Apparently my other cousin's daughter does NOT like giant, 
larger-than-human-sized, furry creatures. Go figure.

While a few kids at the party were genuinely freaked out by the oversized beast, Olivia was happy as could be hanging out with Mr. Southpaw himself.

Not a bad resemblance between the mascot and the cake, if I do say so myself
(Photo courtesy of Peter Wynn Thompson)

I was pretty proud of the little White Sox hat too, complete with a hand-cut logo:
(Don't mind the raindrops on the fondant-- gotta love Chicago weather)

Such a big difference a year can make--from barely being able to walk, to talking and blowing out the candle all by herself!

(Photo courtesy of Peter Wynn Thompson)

Can't wait to see what next year's cake will bring us for Olivia's birthday. But for this year, she definitely had a blast with her visit from Southpaw.

(Photo courtesy of Peter Wynn Thompson)

Yours in always being the biggest kid at a kid's birthday party,


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