Time warp: drop flowers and roses
Old-school picture time!
These are the final two cakes from my first Wilton course (back from May 2007). This was also my first time covering a cake in fondant. Sometimes its even better than cakes I cover now! (Damn you fondant... damn you...)
The full drop-flower cake
It's a lot harder placing flowers "randomly" than it seems
Roses cake
I can't believe I've been decorating for this long! How time flies...
These are the final two cakes from my first Wilton course (back from May 2007). This was also my first time covering a cake in fondant. Sometimes its even better than cakes I cover now! (Damn you fondant... damn you...)
Two toned drop flowers are purty
The full drop-flower cake
Roses cake
My best rose!
I can't believe I've been decorating for this long! How time flies...
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